10 Questions To Ask During a Job Interview
Millions of Americans are in search of a new job after being laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the job market slowly starts to improve, more people will begin interviewing with various companies. If you find yourself in this position, it’s important to remember that you’re not the only one getting interviewed—you should be ready to interview your potential new employer as well.
So, when the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for me?” be sure to have your questions ready. It puts you in the driver seat and allows you to determine if the position and company are the right fit.
Take note of the ten questions below to help you make the right decision about your employment future:
1. Is this a new position? If not, how has this position evolved?
2. Who do you think would be the ideal candidate for this position? How do I compare?
3. Who do you consider your major competitors? How are you better?
4. Beyond any hard skills required to perform this job, what soft skills are needed?
5. How would you describe the company’s culture?
6. What do you like most about working for this company?
7. What are the biggest challenges of this position?
8. What would I expect in a typical day?
9. How do you help your team grow professionally?
10. How do you evaluate success?
You may not have time to ask all of these questions, but it’s necessary to pick out the ones you think are most important and determinative to your potential, future employer.
If you hear some answers you don’t like—that’s okay. More jobs and opportunities will come your way. It’s important to make sure that you will be happy and set up for success when picking the right job for you.
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Derek Rundell, is a successful business leader, operator, and serial entrepreneur. Derek has founded, managed and sold businesses in the technology, media and finance industries. He sits on several boards and serves as an advisor/investor to numerous established businesses and startups. Startups are Derek’s real passion, and in addition to building his own portfolio of technology, media and financial ventures, he invests in and mentors startups and entrepreneurs. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and helping other businesses succeed.