
11 Questions with Entrepreneur Jonathan Cottrell of Storybyte

Jonathan Cottrell

Jonathan Cottrell brings life and longevity to people’s stories, “We solve the problem of what to do with all of those pictures stored on phones.” Storybyte.com downloads its app onto phones to organize images into stories about a vacation, special event or even a great meal that can be stored to share or enjoy privately. Since founding Storybyte in November 2013, Cottrell and his team are developing a version of the app for businesses to easily create marketing using beautiful pictures.

 What do you wish you had invented?

Some of the apps that I love and couldn’t live without, like Dropbox. It’s so simple and accessible, and it’s something that I use daily with my team. I also would have liked to create an out-of-nowhere invention that changed the world, like the iPhone

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would you be doing?

I love what I get to do, turning ideas and dreams into reality. It’s a huge blessing. If I couldn’t do that, I’d encourage people through missionary service.

What is your favorite word? Why?

Brevity. I like it because I could use more of it.

What is a profession you’ve never tried that you’d like to try?

I’d love to be a chef. Going to culinary school of some sort is on my bucket list – I believe in 10 years I’ll do it. But, I wouldn’t want to be a famous chef, I’d just like to cook for my family.

What makes you cool?

I’m cool by proxy – my wife is the coolest chick around. She is her own person, a trend setter – not a follower; she dresses amazingly and dresses me, too.

What makes you geeky?

I’m a cinephile – I love all films, every genre. Once while my wife and I were vacationing in London, I told her I needed to see what was going on in the states. She went out to get a newspaper and was stunned when she returned and saw me getting my news by reading a film magazine. I’m definitely a nerd for movies.

What websites are you into (besides your own)?

Medium.com is doing great things – some that parallel what we’re doing at Storybyte. They also have the best blogging platform. Two other sites that I love are Ain’titcool.com and Badassdigest.com.

What’s on the desktop of your computer screen?

Not much – Google-drive, Dropbox, Recycle bin and a word doc or two that I’ve worked on today.

Do you eat the stems of your broccoli?

I don’t eat broccoli.

Do you type with your fingers on the proper keys?

Yes I type with proper keys! My early training comes in handy!

What’s under your bed?

A loose toy or two, carpet, dust… that’s about it.


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