
3 Things to Know Before You Start an Ecommerce Business

Before starting an ecommerce business, make sure you know these 3 things.

Stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures have forced many consumers to purchase online rather than visiting brick-and-mortar stores. According to Kinsta, “in 2017, ecommerce was responsible for $2.3 trillion in sales, which is expected to nearly double to $4.5 trillion by 2021.” While the market is trending well, you may be looking to launch an ecommerce business, but first, there are a few things to consider.

Think About Your Customer 

When developing what your online customer interface will look like, think about your UX (user experience). You want to put yourself in the shoes of your customer and walk through your website’s buying process. It’s important to make sure that your website is accessible and straightforward. Having too many steps between product and purchase will deter visitors from completing their orders. 

Bottom line, quality UX will help bring new customers to your website and maintain returning users. But don’t get too comfortable; competitors are continually rolling out new UX features—so stay up-to-date with new trends. 

Think About Your Product Imagery

Ecommerce businesses run entirely online. You need to offer your customers the full look and feel of your product virtually. Using photos that are well-taken with plenty of light and clarity will set your product apart from the rest. 

Many ecommerce businesses will use social media to help lure customer traffic to their websites. If you aren’t able to take high-quality photos, you may consider hiring a professional photographer to help you out—since product imagery plays such a crucial role in your ecommerce success. 

Create Content 

Creating strong content will help drive traffic to your social media channels and website. Try to develop a story for your customers to follow—it will keep them coming back to learn more about your brand. Plus, spending some time to create content is usually free or low cost. 

As demand grows for online shopping, ecommerce businesses will continue to expand. It’s important to stay up-to-date and competitive with your ecommerce marketing plans. You will want to stand out and be unique to your customers. 

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