There is no reason to have a boring beard, gentlemen. With Beardies on the scene you can strut your stuff and show off your style while drawing attention to your most-excellent facial hair. So, go ahead, attach a little North American hardwood to your mountain man look.
The small, round discs to adorn the beard are the brainchild of Scott Remer. While pondering the economy, millennials, emerging markets and his own beard the night before Christmas (true story) Remer started wondering about business opportunities beyond beard oils, beard balms and razors. Bam! Beardies was born. “They’re a novel and lighthearted way to enjoy your beard!” says Remer.
But it isn’t all fun and games, as Remer explains, “Beardies are a perfect medium for bearded men to show their support for important social causes.” The Beardies production line will include expansions into social causes alongside statements of affiliation. One day a set for Dave Matthews fans and the next Earth Day wearables. “As I’ve grown more familiar with beard culture over the last year or two, I’ve seen that it’s comprised of a fun, socially-conscious group of guys (and their SOs), and Beardies are an extension of that attitude,” says Remer.
Beardies for Everyday
The future is unrestricted when it comes to what can be adorned within a beard. Remer is looking at a mix of brand merchandise, logo options for businesses, brewery accessories, social and political causes, and we could see a holiday or two thrown in the mix. Like other manly accessories, the possibilities range from serious to comical.
Remer admits that the beard doesn’t make the man, but he is working hard to introduce something a little different into a tight culture of grizzly men who take part in the beard culture phenomenon that has swept up and made the nation swoon.
Keep an eye out for Beardies in boutiques near you. If you can’t wait to get your hands on some (and we recommend you don’t wait) then head to the Beardies online shop and use the promo code “STARTERPACK” for 20% off.
Would you adorn your beard – or buy beardies for a beard you love? Let us know by chatting with @StarterNoise!