Let these three words sink in: “Transparent. Immutable. Decentralized.” These are the words of Block Con 2017.

In case you missed this epic event, Block Con 2017 took place on October 10-11 in Santa Monica, CA. And in case the name didn’t give it away for you, Block Con was a blockchain conference #holla. Per its website description, “Block Con is a collage of ideas, technology & people. Curated for the community, with love, by members from the community.”
The event brought in some amazing speakers including Brock Pierce, Miko Matsumura, and Dawn Newton. Speaking about a variety of topics including, Pierce, Matsumura, Newton (among many others) educated guests about the pitfalls and triumphs of the cryptocurrency world.
Two action-packed days filled with lectures, break out sessions, and happy hours that all revolved around blockchain … What’s not to love? And one the best perks of this conference? If you purchased certain ticket types, you earned yourself a FREE bitcoin (fractional % of course). Not too shabby a party favor!
Check out @GoBlockCon to see a sweet video of their event teaser. And tweet @StarterNoise to tell us if you went to Block Con 2017!
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Katherine is a newbie to Denver. She recently completed her Masters in Peace and Justice Studies at the University of San Diego. When she isn’t trying to save the world, Katherine is all about trying any and all delicious foods, hitting up the beach but not actually swimming (deathly afraid of sharks), and taking as many hikes as humanly possible.