ATTENTION UNDERGRADS!! There are people trying to give you dogs and money… at the same time!
This is probably the best opportunity you’ll get in the entirety of your young adult life.
College is the best time of our lives, we hear it all the time. Go out because, one day soon, you’ll have to go to work every day. Make lots of friends, because it can be hard to find good ones after you graduate. Travel now because you’ll be tied down forever once school ends etc, etc. But do you ever hear anyone say, “Cuddle that dog because one day you’ll go to college and miss having them in your life for four whole years?” Yeah well, they should. Because that’s exactly what happens.
You get all caught up in living in the moment and taking all the opportunities, making memories you’ll cherish forever and whatnot. You study, you work, you go out, you meet new people, you go on trips, you study some more, and you definitely don’t find time to sleep. This is all fine and dandy but what about when you need a weekend (or a month) to just chill. Like sometimes, I want to run 2,000 miles home to cuddle my dogs until they hate me while simultaneously reconsidering all of my life choices and eating massive amounts of ice cream in bed. Is that so wrong?
I know I can’t speak for everyone, but anyone who has a four-footed, furry best friend probably gets this feeling while they’re away at school. On one of these terribly woeful days, my roommates and I were talking about how cool it would be to just have a dog for a couple days at a time. We all know that undergrads either don’t have the time or are (way) too irresponsible for a long-term commitment to a pet, but their affection is so crucial to our emotional stability. And no, GIFs of really fluffy ones are not the same.

While looking for solutions to this totally serious problem of ours, we found an app called DogVacay. It’s kind of a craigslist for dog sitters. You list yourself, your mad dog-loving skills, and some pics of your digs for dog-owners to find when they’re going out of town and can’t take their pet. Then all you have to do is check it more often than Tinder to see if anyone picked you to love their pup for a little while. Talk about a game-changer!
Honestly, if your landlord is cool with pets, you don’t have any excuse for not having a Host Profile. Like, the puppy love comes to you. AND you get paid for it. Netflix, naps, and studying just got 1000x better.
You deserve some doggie kisses after all that moment living and opportunity grabbing. So pick up your phone and let it rain cash and dogs!!
Then send us pics of all the cuddly cuteness @starternoise #puppylove on Twitter and Instagram! Plz hurry.

Down with the chillest vibes and the busiest streets, Kealy‘s got us covered on everything California cool. A former spelling bee champ and aspiring mermaid, she spends her time avoiding cold weather and trying to convince everyone that she’s an adult. Follow her and you’ll always be one step ahead of the game.