It’s easy to assume that A-list movie stars stick strictly to film, but for many, that’s just their day job. Plenty of stars are business owners, investors, and volunteers on the side. And now you can add teacher to that list as well, because Matthew McConaughey has recently decided to teach a film class at the University of Texas at Austin.
I don’t know about you, but I would definitely add this class to my schedule. Working alongside Gary Ross, the director of the Hunger Games, McConaughey will co-teach the film class. The class will be a behind-the-scenes study of Free State of Jones. It’s anticipated that McConaughey will make at least one appearance in class to 30, may I say #blessed, juniors and seniors. This isn’t the first class McConaughey has taught, last spring he lectured another class, but students had to sign a non-disclosure statement as a part of being in the class. McConaughey is an alum of the University of Texas at Austin and has claimed residence in Texas.
Overall the class sounds like an excellent opportunity to gain experience from the pros while also getting an incredibly good-looking professor to teach you for the semester. Think you’d like to attend this class? Tweet @StarterNoise using #alrightalrightalright to let us know.
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Katherine is a newbie to Denver. She recently completed her Masters in Peace and Justice Studies at the University of San Diego. When she isn’t trying to save the world, Katherine is all about trying any and all delicious foods, hitting up the beach but not actually swimming (deathly afraid of sharks), and taking as many hikes as humanly possible.