
The Power of Video, Storytelling, and Startups

Think about the last time you scrolled through your Newsfeed on Facebook or even your favorite online news source. What were you more apt to look at? Written articles detailing a headline story or a short video doing just the same? More and more people are leaning towards watching videos as their main source of news, but that’s not to say articles are obsolete. In fact, many news stories are pairing videos with articles to give readers a ‘whole circle’ view of the story. And here at StarterNoise we are super interested to see how the power of video and storytelling could revolutionize the startup world.

Did you know that viewers spend 100% more time on pages that have videos than just plain text? Well, that’s a pretty riveting statistic and we think we should delve into the topic of video a bit more… How can startups utilize video to make their visual presence revolutionary? For starters, social media sites like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram are making instant videos easy and affordable for startups. But creating a visual that is appealing and attractive to users can be difficult. Generally speaking, you have about 3 to 4 seconds to grab your viewers’ attention before they lose interest. That’s super short! But this also shows how imperative it is to make a killer entrance when debuting a short video on any social media platform. Experts recommend starting a video with music, humor, and an unexpected image to really grab your viewers’ attention.

Now let’s chat a bit about another equally important aspect to video making—storytelling. Videos offer an up-close and intimate view into a startup. Creating a storyline that is relatable and understandable is super important when trying to get the greatest traction from viewers. And last but not least! … The way you edit and market your video can completely alter your viewers’ overall likeness. So take some time to really fine-tune your video so it’s the best possible product you can put out.

What are your thoughts on video, storytelling, and startups? Tweet @StarterNoise to let us know!

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