We all love a good thought provoking speech to get us motivated to accomplish our tasks. Whether you need a simple pick-me-up or major advice on a life pressing issue, TED Talks are a great way to unwind and soak in some interesting perspectives about a variety of topics. Even better, Denver will be hosting a series of talks showcasing the amazing accomplishments of women in the surrounding Denver area.
No plans this lovely autumn day in Denver? Well, you’re in luck because at the Temple Buell Theatre this Friday, October 28th, Ted Talks will be happening all day long from 12:30 to 8:30 PM. In a daylong event titled: “It’s About Time;” TEDxMileHighWomen will highlight the work of innovative and successful women from the Denver area. It is not often enough that an event conveys the ingenious capabilities of successful women in a city. If you’re interested in attending the event and being a part of an incredible crowd of successful women and supporters, you can purchase your tickets here.
Attending the event? Tweet @StarterNoise using #It’sAboutTime to tell us all about your experience and the speakers you loved to hear!