
Dive into 2022 with a Pledge to Self-Care

Self Care, Healthy, Nutrition

Entrepreneurs are notorious for overloading their plates with a million projects at once.

As we head through 2022, it’s important to reconsider how we address self-care and embrace new ways of de-stressing our lives. Because, let’s face it … if you are not taking care of your body and mind, your business will struggle to remain healthy and strong.

Here are a few self-care tips for busy entrepreneurs to consider this year.

Be Active

Our bodies were made to move. Take at least 30 minutes everyday to be active. Whether that means you wake up with a yoga class, take a midday walk around the park, or tune into your favorite on-demand HIIT workout. It doesn’t matter what you do, just take the time each day to be active and let the endorphins kick-in.


You are what you eat, so nourish your body well. Poor nutrition can wreak havoc on your immune system and slow you down. Eat a diet rich in protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Rest & Recuperation

With a loaded schedule and little time to decompress, it is imperative that entrepreneurs take well-deserved time off to rest. Commit to giving yourself ample sleep every night so you are able to wake-up rested and recharged. Plus, give yourself a vacation where you can unplug and disconnect from your phone, email, and social media.

Be sure to embrace self-care in 2022 with open arms. Your health and time are your most valuable assets — treat them well.

How do you practice self-care? Tweet @StarterNoise to let us know.

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