
3 Ways to Start Your Day Off Right

Three ways to start a productive day. 

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. Some have studied the morning routines of highly successful individuals in hopes of replicating their success. While it’s not guaranteed that your morning routine will dictate how much money you make or how influential you become, it can impact how the rest of your day unfolds. 

Think about the moment you wake up to the moment you start work. Do you have a set routine every day? Do you take time for yourself in the morning, or are you pulled in a million directions? Do you meditate, exercise, and get a healthy breakfast in before checking your email?

All of us have our own way of going about our mornings. But, there are a few ways all of us should be trying to fit-in to ensure we are making the most out of the start of our day.

Start Your Day Early

Most of us are working from home these days. Instead of racing out the door before heading into your long commute, we’ve had the privilege of sleeping in a little. If you find yourself snoozing several times and rolling out of bed to your computer right before work starts, it may be time for a change. 

It can be super beneficial for your mind and body if you give yourself some time to move and meditate each morning. Wake up and get your body moving. Maybe you practice yoga, like to go for a run, or use an at-home fitness machine. However, you prefer to get your blood pumping and endorphins flowing, do it. Once you’re done with your workout, take five minutes to be still and meditate. Reflecting on gratitude will give your mental well-being a much-needed dose of happiness and serenity. 


Drink plenty of water each morning and carve out some time for breakfast. Drinking only coffee and no water till noon is not a healthy lifestyle choice. We need to remember that our body and brain do not function well if we are dehydrated and hungry. 

Stick to Your Routine

No matter how you craft out your morning of meditation, fitness, food, and water—stick to it. We are creatures of habit, and our bodies thank us when we have routines. Plus, you will start your work day refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the day. 

What routine do you follow each morning? What ways do you start your day? Tweet @StarterNoise

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